Barrel Pilot Lamp Manufacturer in Coimbatore
Barrel pilot Lamp
Barrel Type Pilot Lights (BPL) has variants from 6 V AC/DC to 240 V AC & 22O V DC. Four Super Bright Coloured LED which collectively give maximum Lux values. The design of Lenses & Reflector is done in such a way that the emitting light will have a wider visibility. All component in Pilot Lights are PCB Mounted & tight fit in terminals made up of brass provide a strong & tougher grip to PCB. Back cover is provided in the same color of the pilot light. This will ease the task of a person while fixing wire at the backside of Panel.
Key Features
Viewable in direct sunlight
Viewable from all directions
The use of an ultra-bright LED that is not susceptible to external scattered light ensures high visibility and provides for more accurate recognition
Integrated terminal cover to prevent electrical shocks.
Coloured and clear lenses are offered